Ankur Doshi MD

  • Chair-Elect, ADME
  • Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
  • Medical Student Education Coordinator, UPMC Mercy and UPMC Presbyterian
  • Emergency Department Attending Physician

Ankur A. Doshi, MD is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh. He is a Clinician-Educator with focus in the evaluation of medical providers’ clinical decision making processes, professional development and outcomes after cardiac arrest. Additionally, he is an active member of organized emergency medicine societies and has undertaken active roles in health policy development and advocacy. He holds multiple administrative teaching roles including: Course Director for the MS2 required Integrated Case Studies course and MS4 Science of Resuscitation selective. He teaches through the 4 years of the medical school curriculum in large and small group settings and actively precepts students, residents and fellows in the clinical environment. He has develop numerous innovative educational programs including the Department of Emergency Medicine’s innovative “Summer Research/Clinical Immersion” curriculum with focus on research and professional development of undergraduate and pre-doctoral students. The SRI has trained over 80 students in the past 9 years, including 30 from backgrounds underrepresented in medicine (URiM). Dr. Doshi has secured sustainable foundation grant funding to support the training of students from URiM backgrounds. Additionally, he is the developer of the School of Medicine Area of Concentration in Resuscitation. Dr. Doshi has served as primary or secondary mentor for each of this program’s 32 graduates since 2015. Finally, Dr. Doshi has developed teaching curriculum for the care of post cardiac arrest patients for students, residents and fellows, including the 2ns year critical care fellow track in Post Arrest Care. Dr. Doshi is a member of the UPSOM Curriculum Committee, co-chaired its phase 1 Curricular Reform Task Force, and is member of the School of Medicine Curricular Reform process as Interprofessional Education thread lead. He is a member of the UPSOM Promotions and Admissions Committees, as well as a member and chair-elect of the UPSOM Academy of Distinguished Master Educators.